Welcome to Fabien Ferrero 's research home page at UCA
Since 2018, I'm Professor at Université Côte d'Azur (UCA). I'm doing my research at Laboratoire d'Electronique, Antennes et Télécommunications.
I'm teaching electronics and telecommunication at Université Cote d'Azur.
With Philippe Ratakjzak from Orange, I'm co-director of the CREMANT, a joint lab between Orange, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis and CNRS
My current studies concerned design and measurement of multi-band, miniature and reconfigurable antennas for IoT and cellular applications.
I'm co-author of 61 journal papers, 80 international conference papers, 10 national
conference papers and 3 patents.
I'm also collaborating with companies on design and measurements of antenna for wireless devices.
Some parts of my teaching and research activity on IoT are presented on the
SofiaHub (especially the student projects)
Actual research Projects
2017-2020 : FUI Project Mass-Start, this project aims to develop an open-source 5G solution for Massive MIMO. I'm leading the UCA part on antenna design for basestation and terminal.
2016-2017 : Micro-Tracker Antenna Design and Measurement with Abeeway, Flex and Orange. Available paper on Embedded World 2017
Latest news
A new edition of the school on " Antennas and Rectennas for IoT Applications " will be organized in Nice from 4-8th of November 2019, please register on ESOA course
The new version of UCA board is available here : here . The Gerber of the project are available on this GitHub
The video of 2019 Arduino student projects is available here
My talk at The Thing Conference in 2018, can be seen in this Video.
The TTN Sophia Antipolis community has been created, please join if you are interested : Link.
Some tutorials on antenna measurement with hardware and code can be found here : Github.