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Diane Titz

Diane Titz received her  M.S  degree in Telecommunications with honors from the University of Paris-Sud (XI) and the ENS de Cachan, in Paris, France in 2009. She received her PhD in electrical engineering with honors in 2012 from the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, while working at the LEAT (Laboratoire d’Electronique, Antennes et Télécommunications) and the CREMANT (Centre de Recherche Mutualisé sur les Antennes), joint lab between the University of Nice and Orange Labs, France. She is now an associate member of the University of Nice and a full teacher in Physics and Chemistry at the Lycée Jules Ferry. Her research interests include antenna designs, measurements, and passive circuits, especially at millimeter wave frequencies. She has authored or co-authored 7 publications in journals and 28 publications in international conferences.

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