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 Patrice Brachat

Patrice Brachat was born in Gourdon (France) in 1955. He received a degree in telecommunications and electricity from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST), Paris, in 1978 and a Ph.D. degree from Université Paul sabatier Toulouse in 1980 and the HdR (Habilitation à diriger les Recherches) degree from Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis in 1998. In 1981 he joined the antenna departement of France Telecom Research and Development and since 1992 he has been in charge of an Antenna Research Group in the La Turbie Orange Lab. Since 1992 he has also held scientific appointments at university of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France). Since 2008 he has been co-head of the CREMANT, the antenna joint research center between the Orange Labs, the Nice University and the CNRS (National Scientific Research Center ). His professional interests include the areas of antenna design, small antennas, computational electromagnetics, electromagnetic modeling and simulation. He has published over 80 papers in journals or conferences, and holds 14 patents in these fields. In 1982 he participated in the creation of JINA conference in NICE (Journées internationales de Nice sur les Antennes). Since 1982 he has been a member of the JINA steering committee, in 1998 he was in charge of scientific secretariat and since 2000 he has been the vice chairman of this conference. In 2006 he contributed to the birth of the EuCAP conference and was local chairman of the successful EuCAP06 edition in Nice. Since 2006 he has been a member of the EuCAP Technical Committee and senior member IEEE.

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