So you`ve bought a crisp new 3DO and now you are after the kind of games that will make your mate`s 16-bit machines look positively low tech.
Ideally,you might want a game which is a much improved version of one already available on another format,so that the difference is startlingly obvious -and FIFA on 3DO looks like it may be the perfect example.
As is blatantly obvious from our FIFA 3DO pictures (sorry I couldnt do them justice in ansi :) the machines graphical capabilities are stunning.Each player even has an animated shadow which changes according to your viewpoint.The latter is the most impressive of this latest conversion :EA has dropped the fixed viewpoint and given you the chance to play from practically any angle -even from the players eye view!
You`ll get support for up to six simultaneous players through linked control pads,and there`s some nice touches in there too like FMV clips of famous football moments.You can also expect more intelligent players and improved sound to round of what is looking like a most excellent package.
What you cant appreciate here is the superb use of sound in this game.The excitement of the crowds cheers changes according to the action on the pitch
The camera views are accessed via a pop-up screen and you get seven perspectives.EA are also planning to incorporate a method by which you can define your own viewpoint.
While you select your formations you can actually see the real line-up on the pitch which is much better than just seeing your players numbers.