Welcome to Michel's home page!
Who am I? What is my work...
My coordinates
My hobbies
You want to see me live? Check this
funny anim and also this new one!
Table of contents
Internet, WWW, etc...
Teaching computer techniques, University of Nice related
Research centers I have worked with
Unix related stuff, X11/Motif/Tk, ftp, fsp, etc...
Virtual Reality/3D/Computer Graphics
Dictionnaries, maps, etc...
Interesting personal Home Pages
Pure Fun
Buisness WWW sites
Holidays: useful links about skiing, traveling...
Who am I?
I'm Michel Buffa, I teach Computer Engineering at the University
of Nice Sophia-Antipolis. Maybe you want to look at a world map to
locate Nice ?
I conduct my research work on Multimedia Mathematics and Distance Learning
now. Previously I used to work on Underwater Virtual
Reality , at Sophia-Antipolis near Nice in
the southeast of France, with Professor Peter
An interesting link for the french teachers is the CNU
ftp server.
In 1994, I was a visiting scientist at the Robotic Institute of the
Mellon University in Pittsburgh
I studied there the navigation of cross country mobile robots using weakly
calibrated stereovision. I was involved in the The
Navlab project.
Here is a picture of the robot
I worked with. The lab maintains a very interesting page with links to
a lot of computer vision related stuff all over the world. See the CMU
Computer Vision home page. Check also the Robotics
mosaic page.
PS: I also worked a lot during my Phd thesis with the Delaunay
Triangulations. Check my demos on your X11 display!
My coordinates
email: <Michel.Buffa@unice.fr>
Surface mail: Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Informatiques (ESSI),
650 Route des colles, B.P 145, FRANCE.
Phone: (33)-92-07-66-60
Fax: (33)-92-07-66-55
WWW: http://www.essi.fr/~buffa
Don't forget to check my
Here we go! Here are my hobbies!
I built in August 1999 a mp3 car player
that runs linux and give me 100 hours of CD quality music in my car
In France, before leaving to the USA in 1994, I used to play guitar in
a Rock'n'Roll band. Don't speak to me about Jazz, or worse: Free-Jazz,
South American music or things like that: it's not my cup of tea! The music
I like must be played on american guitars exclusively, plugged into old
valve amplifiers set to 11, and may include some Fuzz noises. No keyboards
are allowed except an old Hammond organ! See my music
page for details! I'm looking desperately for an electric Hollow-Body
guitar, (Gretsh, Gibson ES335). Mail me if you have one to sell!
I love all psychotronic stuff like sick movies, old psychedelic punk bands
from the sixties or like my friend Greffe, the singer of my old band. Have
a look at my cinema/music page to understand
what I mean.
I love playing video games. I used to maintain a video
games page in the past... It was one of my principal contributions
to the WWW in its first age.
I love scuba diving, and sailing. By the way, have you read the rec.scuba
FAQ? You may also want to check the Aquanot
WWW server? Look also at theATOC
(Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate) mosaic page.
My courses
Teaching computer techniques, University of Nice related stuff
University of Nice/Teaching-related stuff
Research centers I have worked with
CMU Home page
NavLab Home Page
What's New in the
CMU CS Web ?
Maps at CMU.
An incredible map program
about Pittsburgh, with everything: streets, shops, entairtainment, zooms,
etc... *TRY IT*!
Looking for someone in CMU, location, phone number, you want to see his
face ? Use the CMU White
Looking for a paper, a report, use the CMU
library server!
Week's Pittsburgh Film Directory
to have fun around CMU: Arts, food, bars, ...
info for Pittsburghers and others, WEATHER
icons for decorating my WWW pages later.
Pure fun!